3 BIG myths that are keeping you stuck in a role you don’t want to be in anymore.

(A perception shift will get you unstuck though!)

Are you stuck in your current role and feeling like there’s no way out? You might think your lack of progress is due to the industry, the economy, or even your company. But, often, the real barriers to your advancement are the outdated beliefs you hold about your career.

Many professionals in senior management and leadership positions unwittingly buy into myths that keep them tethered to unfulfilling jobs. These myths can seem like irrefutable truths, shaping decisions and limiting potential. From misconceptions about the weakness of asking for help, to fears of being too old to make a career shift, or beliefs that you must know everything before you can advance - these myths do more than just limit you; they steer you away from the opportunities and career satisfaction you crave (and deserve!).

This blog post is going to challenge and change your thinking, so get comfy. We're going to tackle the three most pervasive myths that could be locking you into career paralysis. We'll tear down these myths and replace them with practical, actionable strategies that can really supercharge your career transformation. This isn’t just about debunking false notions but empowering you to take control of your career trajectory with confidence and clarity.

Forget accepting career stagnation as your reality. It’s time to push past the myths, seize control of your professional journey, and move towards the career you’ve always wanted. 

Ready to get started? Let’s jump straight into these myths and flip them on their heads, transforming them from career stoppers into launchpads for your growth

Myth 1: Asking for help shows weakness

Let’s talk about asking for help at work. There's a common fear that doing so might highlight your weaknesses or suggest you’re not up to the task. But knowing when and how to seek assistance is actually a sign of professional maturity and savvy. It shows that you can leverage your resources efficiently and enhance your performance, not admitting defeat.

When you reach out for help, you're showing that you recognise the value of teamwork and collaboration in achieving optimal results. It’s crucial to communicate clearly about what you excel at and the specific challenges you're uniquely equipped to tackle. This is a strategic move to align yourself with the right opportunities and people who can propel you forward.

In reality, every request for assistance is a chance to reinforce your role as a competent, proactive professional who knows how to utilise every tool available to excel. This approach not only helps you overcome immediate hurdles but also solidifies your reputation as a thoughtful leader who is open to innovation and teamwork. Far from showing weakness, it highlights your strengths in problem-solving and strategic planning.

Myth 2: You’re too old 

With years come experience, wisdom, and a refined skill set that can only be honed over time. These aren’t just perks; they’re powerful tools in business.

If you find yourself thinking you might be too old to make a significant career move or to dive into a new field, flip that notion on its head. Use your age to your advantage. Your extensive work history isn’t a drawback; it's a comprehensive portfolio of what you’ve mastered over the years. It’s about highlighting not just the years you’ve got under your belt but the breadth of experiences, the variety of challenges you’ve overcome, and the wealth of knowledge you bring to the table.

In your LinkedIn profile, during interviews, or networking events, emphasise how your seasoned insights equip you to handle complex challenges with a level of finesse and perspective that can only come with experience. You’re not just bringing years - you’re bringing depth, a wider perspective, and a mature understanding of business dynamics that are invaluable in today’s fast-evolving marketplace.

Moreover, remember that today’s work environment values diversity, which includes a diversity of ages. Companies are looking for the balance and depth that experienced professionals offer. 

So next time you think about your age, remember, it equips you with an irreplaceable understanding of the nuances of the workplace, making you a crucial player in any team. Use this knowledge to position yourself as an indispensable asset, not someone who’s stepped past their prime.

Myth 3: You don’t know enough 

Feeling like you don't have enough expertise to compete in today's market can be a significant barrier, but it's a perception that needs adjusting. It’s important to recognise that every industry is constantly evolving. No one knows everything - not even the top CEOs. Instead of seeing your gaps in knowledge as shortcomings, view them as opportunities for growth.

Adopt a mindset of lifelong learning. Embrace the process of continually updating your skills and knowledge. Make this an integral part of your professional narrative. In the age of digital media and online courses, learning new skills has never been more accessible. Highlight your commitment to learning by sharing your educational pursuits and certifications on your LinkedIn profile and other professional networks.

Transparency about your growth journey is crucial. When you learn something new, don’t keep it to yourself - share it! Post about courses you've completed, books that have impacted your professional outlook, or new technologies you're exploring. This not only keeps your network informed of your continual growth but also positions you as a proactive and resilient professional.

Moreover, actively seek ways to apply what you've learned. Whether it's a new software tool in the tech industry or innovative management techniques, applying these skills in real-world projects or at your current job can make a significant difference. It shows that you’re not just passively accumulating knowledge but are also keen on contributing actively with your new skills.

This approach does more than enhance your CV - it demonstrates to prospective employers and collaborators that you are committed to staying relevant and valuable in a fast-paced world. It positions you as a forward-thinking professional who is not deterred by change but is prepared to meet it head-on with a robust set of ever-evolving skills.

Looking beyond the myths 

As we've dismantled these three major myths, it's clear that many of the barriers holding you back in your career are not as insurmountable as they seem. 

They are often just perceptions that need a little reshaping. Whether it’s the fear of showing vulnerability by asking for help, the misconception that age limits your career opportunities, or the belief that you don't know enough to advance - each of these myths can be flipped to reveal a truth that empowers and liberates.

While we've focused on these three myths, there are numerous other misconceptions that might be lurking in your professional life. For instance, myths like ‘networking is only for the extroverted’, or ‘a perfect track record is necessary for success’ can also severely limit your career progress. Like the myths we’ve busted, these too rely on outdated notions that don’t reflect the dynamic nature of the modern workplace.

The key takeaway here is not just to reject limiting beliefs but to proactively replace them with empowering truths. Each step you take to challenge these myths not only broadens your opportunities but also enriches your professional journey, making it more fulfilling and aligned with your true potential.

Remember, the ultimate power to shape your career lies with you. Each decision to learn, connect, and seek guidance is a step towards a more satisfying and impactful professional life. Let go of these myths, embrace the journey of continuous growth, and watch as doors begin to open in ways you never anticipated.

Take charge, seek resources, and commit to a perspective that sees opportunities where others see obstacles. And if you’re ready to take your career to the next level with a partner who can guide and support you through this transformative process, consider reaching out. Together, we can ensure that your career trajectory is not just a reflection of where you’ve been, but a vibrant map to even greater successes.

Your career is a canvas for your ambition and creativity - don’t let myths paint you into a corner.

Are you ready to break free from the myths holding you back and step into a career that truly reflects your potential and passions? 

If you're nodding yes, then it's time for a decisive step forward. Join me for a transformative 90-minute Fast Track Career Clarity Session. 

For just £425, you'll receive personalised one-to-one guidance that goes deep into uncovering what really drives you, what's been keeping you stuck, and how to leap over those barriers. We’ll debunk the myths that have clouded your career path and clarify your vision for what comes next. This session is designed to help you emerge feeling empowered, aligned, and unequivocally clear about your direction.

Along with our session, you’ll get five days of accountability support via WhatsApp chat. This means as you begin to implement changes and face inevitable challenges, you won’t be alone. I’ll be there to support you in real time, helping you to maintain momentum and navigate any obstacles with confidence.

It’s time to see yourself for who you truly are and can be. This is your chance to move from feeling stuck to being in full stride towards a career that’s happy, fulfilling, and purpose-driven.

Spots for these sessions are limited because I’m committed to providing personalised support. Click here to secure your session and begin transforming your professional life today.


Stop applying for dream roles and start positioning them